August 25, 2011

A recent review of the West Cambria volunteer ambulance service revealed a longer average response time to accident than was reported by a commercial ambulance squad located in East Cambria.

A recent review of the West Cambria volunteer ambulance service revealed a longer average response time to accident than was reported by a commercial ambulance squad located in East Cambria.  In order to provide better patient care for accident victims and to raise revenue for our town by collecting service fees for ambulance use, we should disband our volunteer service and hire a commercial ambulance service. 

The argument that West Cambria should apply commercial ambulance service as East Cambria does because of quicker response omits several important factors that must be addressed.  Those critical flaws make the argument less convincing.  There are three main points to be tackled with this problem. 

To begin with, the author's conclusion is based on a false assumption that West and East Cambria have similar, or same, geographic and traffic conditions.  Comparison of response time shows that East Cambria has faster action than West Cambria does.  It does not necessarily means West Cambria ambulance service works worse.  For example, if West Cambria is suffered from heavy traffic more frequently than East Cambria, ambulance cars also will be stuck on a street.  Or East Cambria might be a smaller region than West Cambria.  To contrast response time of each, comparison of geographic and traffic conditions must be explained. 

Another issue overlooked by the argument is difference of response time between West Cambria and East Cambria.  The author concludes that West Cambria should follow the way East Cambria does in ambulance service in order to provide faster service.  However, there is no specific data indicating how slow West Cambria moves.  Just difference of a minute or two sometimes is not necessarily criticized.  

Finally, an assumption in the argument that the number of those who call ambulance is going to be stable even if West Cambria starts commercial ambulance service. Generally speaking, medical service including ambulance is so expensive that some families cannot afford at all.  As a result, some patients in those families easily can be fatal or dead with illness or wound that could be treated well if ambulance is affordable.  Commercial ambulance keeps many families away from calling up even when really needed. 

In conclusion, the argument in current form is not well convincing. More information is needed in order to better evaluate the author's claim.  Primarily, geography and traffic of both cities must be analyzed.  Also, difference of response time is needed to show validity to begin commercial ambulance in West Cambria.  Finally, the author must assess whether ambulance service will be unaffordable even if volunteer ambulance service is transformed into commercial one.  Before any conclusion is made, all factors must be carefully evaluated.

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